Avoiding Office Gossip

Office gossip is the not-so-silent killer of office culture and morale. And as much as everyone likes to think it won’t be a problem in their office, it can easily creep in if you don’t set up some guardrails. The first thing to realize is that gossip doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You…


Ways to Prevent Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

Unethical behavior can infect a workplace, either if an executive steals money from the company or an associate falsifies documents. The unethical behavior can damage the credibility of a company, making the business lose customers and eventually spoil the reputation of an organization. However, entrepreneurs and their management teams can work with employees to prevent…


Body Language During a Job Interview

Fidgeting, moving about on the chair, cracking knuckles, shaking knee, grinding teeth, finger brushing hair, too much blinking of the eye all go to show that the applicant is not comfortable.  Some employers tend to interpret this as inability to handle the big accounts. Subconsciously, the interviewer notices how body language can sometimes, and oftentimes…
