Just like you can’t spot reduce in the gym, it doesn’t really work to spot motivate. Just as you need to create a habit and environment of better health to achieve it, you also
need to create an environment and habit of motivating your staff. If you make it part of how you lead, it will be easier to encourage in the moment, when you really need extra motivation from your team.

  1. Consider structuring your leadership as a circle, not a triangle:

Top down, hierarchical leadership is the easy way to go, for sure. But a great way to create motivation and inspiration within your staff is to be the co-worker as well as their boss. Create as much opportunity for people to feel in charge of their own progress as possible – a great way to do that is to give them a chance to work with you, not just for you. Empower them, and they will do better work for you. And, in a related way, make sure to…

  1. Be a good example:

Let your staff see you working. Be excited about the company goals, and led by the company ideals. If you say a value should be important to your staff, let them see you making that value important to you. Your mood will affect your entire staff, and change the energy of the workplace for everyone involved.

  1. Offer opportunities and incentives:

People want to know they are working towards something. Find out what your staff want – don’t just make arbitrary opportunities or incentives. Learn what they are working toward and offer them opportunities to achieve their goals. The incentives that motivate one team member will not motivate another; neither will the opportunities. So make sure that you are working with your team to create the progress that is the most meaningful to them.

Creating the right environment for your staff to be happy and motivated will benefit you and them, as well as the people you help. With the proper environment of motivation, you will all be working in the same direction, to the betterment of the company and its employees.