It’s no secret that the job market has tightened across Alberta (and all of Canada). This may be especially intimating to graduating students. For many of them, they entered into programs years ago, expecting to graduate and easily find work in a province that is generally booming in it. However, there is now some dim outlooks in our economy, specifically with our oil and gas industries struggling.

In a recent article published by CBC news, Richard Bucher, a senior consultant for a career management company, spoke out about how these graduates can use the proper techniques in order to get the jobs they have studied so hard for.

Bucher’s first suggestion to students was to effectively sell yourself. Many of the students questioned admitted that they felt many companies had an impression of them (the students) as being uninformed in their studied fields. It is important to properly build your resume and to go into interviews with confidence and a description of the many things you do know.

When first leaving school, many students will jump into any summer job that is easy to get. Money is obviously the driving factor behind this; however, Bucher recommends that students try to get a job in the industry they’re striving for. If not right away, then still continue to apply for anything that comes up that will get you any type of experience in your field.

The great part about just having graduated is that you likely know a large network of people who are either working in your profession or teaching it, both of which can become valuable mentors. This is a great way to get your foot in the door, says Bucher. Ask for guidance from these mentors, learn what kind of experience will get you the farthest, and what will best help you achieve your career goals.

Graduating from university is daunting for anyone; trying to fight against a shrinking job market only heightens the concerns. As of April 2016, the Alberta government expects to create up to 100,000 new jobs over the next few years. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as they say, and keeping the above tips in mind can also help to alleviate some pressure if you’re a recent graduate.