canadaThe world seems to be taking notice that Canada is going through an employment boom that has employers seeking out candidates internationally. While there is a process that must be adhered to — both for candidates and employers — the benefits of working in The Great White North are plentiful. The benefits of becoming a citizen are even greater.

Healthcare as you know in Canada is universal, so whether you are employed full time or part time you will have healthcare for your needs. This alone can be a major perk in working in Canada. There are not any ridiculous fees for not having insurance because the country provides it. By providing universal insurance and avoiding private healthcare, Canada actually can save a person money. No longer will you have to worry about paying out of pocket for co-pays or certain percentages and you do not have to worry about procedures being ridiculously overpriced because since there are no private healthcare there is really no competition.

The minimum wage in Canada is expected to rise to a healthy $15/hr in the next couple years. The new government in Alberta is leading the charge on this, and the Federal Government looks to be following suit. Canada is already 5th in the world when it comes to minimum wage, and if they move to a $15/hr rate they will fall only behind Australia who’s minimum wage is around $16.88.

There are many great reasons to consider a place of employment in Canada as a foreign worker, if your lifestyle can be changed then I recommend giving it a shot, decide for yourself if the perks outweigh the negatives.