For a business to grow and flourish, it is crucial to have competitive advantage. Generally, this comparative advantage is seen as constant research and development, creative advertising and other such schemes, meanwhile one of the most important aspects of the business is ignored, it’s human resource. This skilled resource will determine the company’s sustainability and future development.


Structured governance and business case development “Building a business case requires a clear understanding of the business or businesses that Human Resources serve, as well as working relationships with all business leaders.


Developing advanced workforce planning: “High-impact human resources organizations incorporate sophisticated forecasting and workforce analytics into their processes.


Implementing the “right” human resources philosophies “High-impact human resources organizations tend to commit themselves to creating work environments that enable employees to thrive both as individuals and as contributors to business success.


Reducing administrative work for Human Resources business partners (Human resources impact opportunity — 25%). From Bersin: “Many human resources functions have a role that is a link between the human resources function and business leaders. The specifics of this role vary widely. High-impact human resources organizations use it to advise senior business leaders, focusing on decision support, workforce planning, leadership development and executive coaching.