Effective management and leadership of employees allow you to accomplish goals for your business, company or organization.  Capitalizing on the strengths of your employees and their abilities is key to promoting employee engagement, motivation, development and retention. If your employees feel like an important and integral part of the operation, they’ll be happier and more productive. The following suggestions are practical steps to putting them in a more productive mindset.
Design economic incentives so employees at all levels of an organization can benefit from them. There’s a natural tendency for management to focus most heavily on senior-level economic incentives. While this is completely understandable, it’s best not to neglect substantive incentives for lower-level employees.

Provide meaningful feedback in a constructive manner on a regular basis. Feedback is a foundational management skill; the ability to provide regular, helpful feedback to employees in a manner that encourages, not discourages, is a cornerstone of effective management…if that communication is done thoughtfully.

Respect employees as individuals, in addition to the job they do. Respect can be a simple but powerful motivator, just as its unpleasant twin, lack of respect, has the opposite effect. When employees feel genuinely respected, they’re much more likely “to go the extra mile” to help a company succeed.

Be sure management at all levels of an organization receives adequate training. There’s a tendency for companies to invest heavily in “leadership training” while focusing far less on supervisors and middle managers. I can readily speak from experience on this one, having received considerably more training and development opportunities in the latter stages of my career than in the early formative stages, when it’s needed most.

Provide support for employees when it’s genuinely needed. Valued support can take many forms: equipment when existing is outdated or inefficient; emotional support in the face of (occasionally) unfair criticism; flexible support for a reasonable level of work-life balance.   Management support in times of need won’t be forgotten; it builds employee goodwill and loyalty.

Don’t be emotionally stingy.   There’s nothing for management to gain by withholding praise and recognition when it’s warranted. Recognition is often a more powerful motivator than money.

Ensure senior leadership models behavior that makes the rank-and-file proud to be part of the team. Nothing demoralizes employees more quickly than seeing senior leaders act in a way they don’t respect, and few things energize employees more than a senior team they admire. Leaders are always being watched and judged; employees have keen eyes. When leadership is “walking the talk,” it will be quickly noted – but so will “talking the walk” without actually walking it.